Saturday, September 29, 2007

Time Travel.
Hmmm..This is really a scintillating topic to explain. I have camo across several articles on Time Travel. Its a topic that pushes the human minds to think out of the box and squeezes out all the brilliant ideas hidden within. Its such a creative field of science. A fascinating field in fact. For basic understanding, this topic doesn't require any high level skills or technical knowledge. All one needs to talk about time travel is a creative and imaginative mind. One must have very high degree of imagination to even think about this topic.

As we go deep down within the topic, we will find ourself getting pulled into the tangle of time. The best part of life, as far as I'm concerned, is either the past or the future, for, we know whats exactly happening in the present and its the nature of human beings to ignore something thats very close to them. So, I'm not an exception. I put aside the present.

Simply put, Time travel is the field of science that tells one how to go either back to the past or into the future that has never been seen by anyone. Some brilliant brains have come out with great ideas which try to tell what would happen when someone from the present would try to enter the past or the future.

There are two types of time travel:

1)Backward time travel(Traveling to the past)

2)Forward time travel(Traveling into the future)

Some people say that its not possible to travel back in time. But, the debate on Forward time travel is quite alive since few feel that it is indeed possible. Time travel relies wholly on the light theory. Using some calculations and strict measurements, the speed of light is determined to be around 3,00,000km/s. Impressive right? Whats even more impressive is the theory of Time travel. It states that 'If an object is capable of travelling at a speed greater than that of the light, then the object is said to have traveled through time'. What we saw in the past and what we are seeing at present are images that are produced by the reflection of light. This is the basic concept of vision. So, light forms the base structure for Time Travel.

Consider the diagram below:(Its a hypothetical situation)

Few assumptions have to be made to get a clear picture of the above diagram:

1)There is no obstacle in the path of the object.

2)The distances are assumed to be in meters. But, in reality, the distances run to several thousands of miles.

Now, let us assume that the object is accelerated to a very high speed such that it exceeds the speed of light. Assume yourself to be the observer at the point b. The object starts moving from point s. Now, by keeping the laws of light, we assume that the light, traveling at its own speed of 3,00,000km/s, that is reflected from the surface of the object has traveled a distance of B mts in certain amount of time. But, according to our assumption, the object travels at a velocity greater than that of light. Here come the tangle in the time. At the same time interval taken by the reflected light from the object's surface to cover B mts, the object, as a real object, would have reached some other point beyond the point b. Let us assume that you are standing at that point which is approached by the object. This point is at a distance of(A-B) mts from the point b.Now did anything hit your mind?

Something interesting has to happen here. This is the point where scientists are converging their concentration to find out what exactly happens. There are many possibilities at this point:

1)You'll see two images of the same object at a time, one formed at the point 'a' because of the light reflected from the object and the other one is the real object at the point where you're standing (point 'b).

2)You'll see only one image formed at the point 'a', but, you'll very feel the object approaching you which is assumed to be at point 'b'.
Scientists say that the first choice has least possibility for, the object loses the capability to reflect the light on its surface as soon as it reaches the point 'a' at a speed greater than that of light and thus there is no chance of getting the view of the object as a real object at point 'b'.
So, this forces us to go on with the second choice'll see only one image formed at the point 'a' and you would feel the presence of the image at the point 'b'. Again, there is something that couldn't be accepted. This gives rise to several questions.

1)If you put one observer at point 'a', will he be able to feel the image of the object which is formed from the light reflected from the object's surface? The answer to this question is that the observer at 'a' can only see the image but he cant' feel it since the real object has crossed the observer at 'a' and is at the point 'b' right now.

2)Whether the observer at 'b' could only feel the presence of the object or could he see the object at point 'b'? The answer to this question should be that the observer at 'b' can only feel the object for, the object, according to my slang, has lost all the light at the point 'a' and it has no more light to reflect and thus it might be assumed to be invisible. The object at 'b' can be assumed to be something like air. It is very much in existance but can't be seen.

There is one fine conclusion I could jump to.

The observer at 'a' feels the object even before he can see the approaching image of the object. Then, by the time the observer at 'a' gets the view of the object, the observer at 'b' would feel the presence of the object. After some time the observer at 'b' would get the view of the image of the object. Thus, there is a time gap between the 'feeling the object and viewing the image of the object' actions at both the points 'a' and 'b'. This time gap is the same for both the observers as long as the object continues to move with the same velocity. This time gap is what is known as time travel. Its called so ,for, the object as a real body is in the future(point 'b') but, the image of the object is in the past which, according to us, is the present(point 'a')

For simpler interpretation, replace point 'a' by 'present' and point 'b' by 'future'. You can get the clear and exact picture of what I've been trying to explain all along with great efforts.:))

There is something interesting hidden in the above explanation. According to the law of nature, before you can feel any object, you would get to see the image of that object. (You may quote air as an exception. If you do, you're wrong. You can see air molecules under a microscope right??)But, when it comes to time travel, its the other way around. You first feel the object and then get view of the object. This obviously means that Time Travel does not go with the Laws of the nature.

Something against the laws of nature has never happened before on this earth.

Does that mean I should bring this blog to an end by concluding that Time Travel isn't possible??
Keep thinking till you find out that we do time travel everyday:))
PPP Direct

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